Saturday 30 April 2016

One year

April has almost gone, how did that happen? I really haven't written much here lately, competing forces meaning my writing is going elsewhere. Change is in the wind, the first step is here. A new position at my current place of employment means writing shouldn't be so much a busman's holiday, as the saying goes. And today is a day to celebrate.

It's my one year anniversary in Sydney. One year since I packed up my life and headed across the ditch to this big city. To my fifth country. What a year it's been! I have much to reflect on, much more to be grateful for and much to anticipate. Today I'll be on this beautiful harbour sailing in the final race of the summer series. Sailing with some new friends and an old one re met many years later.

I've just come back from the best visit to see family. Enjoying a small boy, now 6, and his mum and dad. Being there for a birthday of the boy I used to bake special cakes for, for the first time in a while.  Coming home to cuddles from miss almost 2 who's at that independence age and feeling a bit under the weather. Next weekend is a special birthday in Brisbane. I'm hoping to make that too. Skype is amazing and getting to share the Brisbane crew with my elderly mother was such a treat.

So best I get moving on this the slowest of Saturday mornings. There's food to gather, gifts to post and an afternoon race to get to. 

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